10 Facts About German Shepherds
10 Facts About German Shepherds
For more information, please contact us at Celtic Shepherds today! Serving customers from New Mexico, Texas, Colorado, Arizona, but not limited to all of North America.
1. The German Shepherd is the most intelligent and easiest to train of all dog breeds!
2. They learn new commands quicker than any other breed, which makes them very easy to train.
3. In North America, the German Shepherd is, by litter and individual dog registrations, one of the most popular and numerous breeds.
4. The German Shepherd is suitable for herding, police work, guiding the visually impaired, Schutzhund, ring sport, search and rescue, drug and bomb detection, and tracking.
5. Schutzhund is a German word that means “protection dog.”
6. As a territorial and protective breed, the German Shepherd is a natural guard dog.
7. The very first German Shepherd said to have set paws upon North American soil was in the year 1907.
8. The first German Shepherd registered in the AKC was registered in 1908.
9. They were among the first canine breeds to be trained for police work- beginning around 1900 in Ghent, Belgium.
10. They are incredibly smart and learn simple task after only 5 repetitions. They obey the first given command 95% of the time.
For more information, please contact us at Celtic Shepherds today! We serve clients in Las Cruces, New Mexico and nearby areas.